Article (26): From the college regulations

The student’s registration for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be canceled in any of the following cases:
(1) If he does not pass the comprehensive examination mentioned in Article (24).
(2) If he does not submit the thesis within five years from the date of his registration, taking into account cases of suspension of registration, he may be allowed an exceptional year based on the report of the main supervisor approved by the Department Council and the College Council and with the approval of the University’s Board of Studies.
(3) If the supervisor or supervisors submit a reasoned request to cancel the student’s registration and it is accepted by the department council and approved by the college council after notifying the student.
(4) If the judging committee completely rejects the thesis
(5) If the student submits a request to cancel his registration

Article (25): From the college regulations

The student is awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty, provided that the general specialty of the thesis topic and the title of the thesis are indicated in the certificate.

Article (24): From the college regulations

The following requirements are required for a student to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy degree:
  (1) The student must pass the exam held at the end of each of the two semesters of the first year of registration in the courses that serve the research topic and are determined by the department council and approved by the college council based on the proposal of the supervisors from among the courses in Appendix No. (2) as per Two courses per semester, and the duration of study in each course is four hours per week, provided that these courses are not among the courses studied at the master’s level.
(2) Examinations for doctoral degree courses are held at the end of each semester, and if the student fails for two years, his registration will be cancelled.
(3) The examination is written in all courses, and the student is considered to have failed if he does not take the written examination.
(4) The results of each semester are announced separately, and the general assessment for both semesters is at the end of the year.
(5) A student’s failure in any course is considered a failure in all courses unless he can fail with an excuse acceptable to the College Council.
(6) The student must pass the comprehensive examination, which is held after completing the academic courses, and a committee shall be formed for him, proposed by the department council and approved by the college council, consisting of five professors or assistant professors, including the supervisor, provided that at least two of them are from outside the college.
  The College Council, after taking the department’s opinion and the committee’s proposal, may give the student one more opportunity to pass the comprehensive exam.
(7) To conduct innovative scientific research that represents a new addition to the field specified for him, within at least two years from the date of passing the comprehensive examination.
(8) To submit a thesis at least two years after the date of passing the comprehensive examination, containing the results of his research and to be accepted by the judging committee after discussing it publicly.

Article (23): From the college regulations

Requirements for a student to be enrolled to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:
(1) He must have a master’s degree in computers and information from one of the Egyptian computer colleges
(2) The student may be registered for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy if he holds a master’s degree in computers and information from one of the colleges of computers and information or scientific institutes located outside Egypt after its equivalency by the Supreme Council of Universities.
  (3) To devote himself to studying two days a week for at least two academic years after the approval of the employer.

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي